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Performance problem collapsing/expanding when running 200 resources in 25 groups

Asked by Michal
10 years ago.

I have noticed a huge performance hit when number of Resources/Groups increases.

I'm using Scheduler 7.7.3078.1.

I load it with 200 resources in 25 groups more or less equal in size.
The more groups I expand the slower it gets to expand following groups.
Sometimes it takes up to few seconds.

Debugging UI Responsivnes with IE I can see a LOT of events firing as on the attached screenshot.

Any hints?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

The first thing to try is to disable the Row Header Width Auto-Fit feature:

More resource header optimizations are scheduled for the next release (7.8).

Comment posted by Michal
10 years ago.

thanks it seems it helped a bit. Waiting for the next release.

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