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how to resolve when a range time display too many events ?

Asked by Huy MP
9 years ago.


as the title question, it's difficult to watch events, i was tried to change the day mode, but if too many events or greater than 100 events on a range time, how to resolve that problem ?. I consider using a table when too many events. Please, share me a your recommand or a article.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

I assume you mean the Calendar control:

You can play with the event arrangement mode settigs to see if it helps with the visibility of a lot of overlapping events:

Another option is to use the Scheduler control instead ( and display the events in rows:

  • rows handle multiple concurrent events better -> the row height is increased automatically (the Calendar control just squeezes the event width)
  • you can display the events in multiple rows (I assume the events belong to multiple resources)

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