Questions Tagged javascript
Is it possible to add custom html and css to the daypilot gantt?
Answered: You can use the onBeforeTaskRender event handler to customize the task boxes. This event will let you set custom color easily. {
onBeforeTaskRender: (args) => { = "#cc...
How to handle the progressBar per row in scheduler Angular
Answered: You can take a look at the JavaScript Scheduler: Resource Utilization Chart for Rows tutorial:
ExcelJS is not an optional property in the scheduler config
Answered: Thanks for reporting the problem. This issue has been fixed in a special release (2025.1.6429), which is now available.
Hovering a draggable event and change row background-color
Answered: Sorry for the delay. This can be done like this: const scheduler = new DayPilot.Scheduler("scheduler", {
onRowMouseOver: args => {
if (app.dragging) {
Is it possible to edit gantt chart event
Answered: Yes, it is possible to activate inline editing mode for the row headers, or you can open a modal dialog with task details on click (see Task Editing).
is it possible to edit the event
Answered: Please see here:
Facing issue while exporting data in RTL
Answered: Unfortunately, the image export is not supported in the RTL mode at the moment. It’s in the plan, but we can’t promise any delivery date.
overriding event start/end in moving to snap to a certain time isn't being reflected in the event overlap handling
Answered: It looks like you are using an older version - could you please give it a try with the latest release?
How to groupBy?
Answered: You can create custom time header segments using the method described in this tutorial: JavaScript Scheduler: Custom Time Header Segments
Excel export for Gantt?
Answered: Hi Leo, Sorry for the delay. Gantt export to Excel in the works and it will be available soon.
Error constructing DayPilot.Date()
Answered: Have you modified the source code? Or maybe you have overwritten the DayPilot.Date object? Because all this should work fine - you can also test it in the JavaScript console in the online demo.
How to access args.filter value in the onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event of DayPilot Scheduler
Answered: The filter param is only available in the onEventFilter event handler. The best way would be to store the filter value in a special variable outside of the Scheduler object. This approach is used for...
BusinessHoursNoScroll not rendering args.start correctly
Answered: I confirm the bug. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build. The fix will be included in the next release.
Filter hours
Answered: In the Lite version, you can use this config: {
businessBeginsHour: 8,
businessEndsHour: 21,
heightSpec: "BusinessHoursNoScroll"
} This will display only the specified hours, but there will...
Facing issue in calendar vertically scrolling with page scrolling
Answered: It is necessary to set a fixed position of the calendar in the page. You can do that by fixing the parent element and setting the height of the calendar to 100%. This way, you will be able to avoid t...
Gantt Chart Issue with Link Shape to RightAngled per version 2025.1.6345
Answered: The linkShape property is now available in the Gantt chart in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6403).
Is it possible to implement timeheader with 3 hours as a part, but cell with 15 minutes as a part
Answered: Yes, this is possible. If the built-in time header units don’t work for you, you can define custom segments, as described in the following tutorial: JavaScript Scheduler: Custom Time Header Segments
Is there a way to display total quantities from events in the Scheduler Scale header, aggregated both weekly and monthly
Answered: Yes, you can use the onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler to customize the time header. There is a tutorial available that shows how to calculate the summary/utilization details using methods like ...
Issue when tapping multiple cells from Ipad.
Answered: This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6400).
Sort events in combination of 'Sort' and 'Line'
Answered: The minLine property is now available as an experimental feature in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6407).
Crerating events side by side
Answered: There was an issue that prevented double click on calendar cells next to existing events from working. It was fixed in version 2025.1.6333, so make sure that you are using the latest release. I assum...
Is it possible to hide the parents and leave the children with its events visible
Answered: You can use the row filter to hide selected rows in the Scheduler. If you set rowFilterParentsAlwaysVisible to false, the parent rows that don’t match the filter will be hidden as well.
onShow weird behavior
Answered: 1. The update() method incorrectly cleared the source value, indeed. This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6384). 2. It’s not clear what exactly is going on in your onS...
Block Overlay / Bubble for Selecting a new event area
Answered: You can use active areas to insert blocks with custom start/end inside cells. You can find an example here (this tutorial shows how to block selected time ranges): JavaScript Scheduler: Disabling Cus...
Facing Issue While Exporting Data in Resource View
Answered: You will see this error if the Calendar component isn’t visible when calling exportAs(). That can happen if the placeholder <div> is placed inside a hidden element, for example.
right to left in month
Answered: Unfortunately, RTL direction is not supported in the Scheduler at the moment.
Yearly Scheduler, timeRangeDoubleClick only fires in January
Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6374). Please let me know if the problem persists.
New Event Position
Answered: The vertical position of the modal dialog can be set using the top property. By default, it is set to 20 (pixels). You can increase it as needed. The background elements appear above the modal dialog...
Link Customization - Layer "Above" or "Below"
Answered: 1. The default linkLayer value is set to "Above" and you can see this behavior in the Links demo as well. Instead of using z-index, it uses the two different layers that are inserted into the DOM in ...
Answered: The recurrence needs to be handled on the server side. You need to supply the expanded occurrences to the calendar as part of the dataset. Most likely, you will want to show an icon indicating that t...
Questions 1-30 of 2022