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Change of UI format for the creation and maintenance of recurring events

Asked by Dave
8 years ago.

I have an interest to modify the format of the UI for the creation and maintenance of recurring events.

Is the daypilot control flexible enough to cope with a change of format and if so, how?

Please help.



Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

Yes, you can modify the event appearance and behavior using BeforeEventRender event handler:

The recurring events will have e.Recurrent property set to true. A simple example copied from the documentation:

protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
  // modifying the event HTML (recurring events)
  if (e.Recurrent)
      e.Html += " (R)";
Comment posted by Dave Periam
8 years ago.

Other than modifying the underlying html, I was looking to modify/replace the controls with my own custom built .Net Web User Control - would this be acceptable and supported?

I would like to add in custom controls to allow multi selection of combo boxes from within a drop down list box.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

Unfortunately only plain HTML is supported.

I assume the custom control is only needed when editing the event:

1. You can display the control in a modal dialog after clicking an event ( The modal dialog could be masked and positioned to look like the event box.

2. You can place the control in a hidden area of a page and move it over the event div when the event is clicked. That would result in something similar like approach #1.

Comment posted by Dave Periam
8 years ago.


Thank you for the update and the suggestion.


Answer posted by Dave Periam
8 years ago.


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