Questions Tagged
Prevent refresh of date to today
I have added pagination to the calendar so that if I have say over 10 event on a day at the same time block, it would load 10 at a time and display the first 10 then when the next button is clicked t...
Month name as title for DayPilot Month
Answered: For PostBack updates, you can place a label control above the calendar and set its text from code behind based on DayPilotMonth.StartDate value. If you change the date using a callback, you can use A...
New Event Background border
Answered: Sorry for the delay! This is hard to guess, but probably it’s some custom CSS. You can try turing the global CSS of temporarily to see if the problem disappears and use browser developer tools to ins...
ideas for grouping events in Calendar
Answered: The best way would probably be to add the nested events as active areas inside events. The position of active areas can be specified in pixels (top/bottom/height properties) or you can replace top an...
DayPilotMonth - span multiple pages based after x number of events
Answered: Update: The Weeks mode is fully supported by the server-side image export so you can export individual weeks by setting ViewType to Weeks (DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Month.ViewTypeEnum.Weeks), Weeks to 1 ...
Scheduler export date range problems
Answered: By default, the exportAs() method includes the current viewport in the exported image. You can use the area property of the options parameter to include the full timeline (area: "full") or a manually...
Cannot Change View Type To "Resources"
Answered: Most likely, you are using DayPilot Lite for ASP.NET WebForms - the open source version for ASP.NET. At this moment, the resources view is supported in the open-source JavaScript version and in all P...
DayPilotMonth Integration with MS Outlook
Answered: You are right, this iCalendar tutorial is a bit outdated. I’ve added your request to the tutorial plan and it should appear at soon. We don’t plan to add iCalendar support directly ...
Invoke _command sub from another sub ( code-behind)
Answered: If you want to update the DayPilotMonth control from another control, there are the options: You can invoke commandCallBack() from the client side. You can update it using a partial PostBack, if the ...
Split the reservation on multiple resources
Answered: In this tutorial, you can learn how to split an event using a context menu: JavaScript Scheduler: Splitting an Event You can then join these two new events using a link and possibly style them to ind...
UpdateWithMessage change color MessageBox from behind
Answered: It is not possible with UpdateWithMessage() but you can use Update() to send custom data to the client and display the message bar using JavaScript using a custom CSS class. Hashtable ht = new Hashta...
show appointments as free time
Answered: There are two options: You can mark the unavailable parts of the timeline as disabled (see Disabled cells in the Scheduler, Disabled cells in the Calendar). If the available slots have a fixed durati...
Implement a copy-paste functionality using context menu
Answered: This is correct. The server-side Command event is fired by the commandCallBack() method (in the menu item action JavaScript).
Confirmation prompt of event resize or event move
Answered: You can find an example in the documentation, Event Moving page (expand the ASP.NET WebForms section to see it): <DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler runat="server" id="DayPilotScheduler1"
Text missing on export time headers.
Answered: If you use onBeforeTimeHeaderRender to customize the headers, the Scheduler will use the value of args.header.html in the live instance in the browser and args.header.text during the export. Also, it...
Loading pic
Answered: Probably the easiest solution would be to add a simple <img> element that you hide using CSS so it isn't visible by default. Then you can make it visible using a client-side click event handler (OnCl...
Quick way to set background color of cells in DayPilotScheduler
Answered: The BeforeCellRender event is fired for every cell and it needs to be kept as efficient as possible. It is not possible to run a new database query in every invocation. I recommend running a single q...
Is database connectivity available in Demo version
Answered: Yes, the database connectivity is available in the trial version as well. Please take a look at the ASP.NET Scheduler tutorial which shows how to use DayPilot with SQL Server: https://code.daypilot.o...
Daypilot Scheduler in ipad (Safari browser)
Answered: Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the issue. Which version of Safari, iOS and DayPilot do you use? Safari and Chrome use the same engine on iOS and they should behave exactly the same.
Applying CSS styles to dynamic "bubble" popovers
Answered: The "month_default_event_hover" class specifies appearance of calendar events when you move a mouse over it. To control the callout width, you can use "bubble_default_main" class (for the default the...
How do I embed a html link in the Event text?
Answered: The "DataTextField" property specifies the name of the data source item field that will be used to set the event text. If you want to set custom event HTML (hyperlink, image, etc.) you can use the Be...
How to execute client side JavaScript function whilst server processing request after user clicks on event blocks? [DayPilot Monthly Event Calendar]
Answered: You can use EventClickHandling='PostBack' and invoke the PostBack manually using eventClickPostBack() from EventClickJavaScript, after executing your code:
Add line break in text in Event
Answered: Mike, Please see my answer here: Please let me know if there is any problem.
room fields update
Answered: You can activate a context menu for the Scheduler row headers: Or you can add an action icon to the header:
Event test
Answered: The event text gets HTML-encoded (as a protection against XSS attacks) and then it is treated as HTML. That means ASCII line breaks will be ignored. If you need to insert a line break, you'll have to...
cell to into two lines or below the current line
Answered: The events will be displayed in a single horizontal line if they don't overlap. If the end date/time of the first event and the start date/time are the same the events are still considered non-overla...
Date wise Header but data rows breaks into two lines.
Answered: Thank you for posting the screenshot:
how to prevent the daypilot modal from closing when clicked outside?
Answered: You can do it using onClose event handler:
onClose: args => {
if (args.backgroundClick) {
Refresh Gantt command
Answered: The Modal.Close() method uses a workaround to return the control back to the client side. Older versions may not work well - please make sure that you use the latest version of the ASP.NET WebForms h...
Questions 1-30 of 2569