Hello Dan,
Can i ask some question ?? I have a problem to export excel with table.
In the following code ,it can be export excel but not with table format.It's need to change table format in excel because we need to change border style,font color,background color etc..
In javascript, i write the following.
function export(){
var sql;
var db = new TenantDatabase();
sql="select * from TABLE";
var DATASIZE = db.execute(sql);
var csvData = [];
var title = "Meeting Room Booking Information";
var columnValue=[];//q2
columnValue.push("Room Name");
columnValue.push("Project Name");
columnValue.push("Start Time");
columnValue.push("End Time");
for(var start=0 ;start <= DATASIZE.data.length ;start += FETCHSIZE) {
var result=db.fetch(sql,start,FETCHSIZE ,[])
if (result.error) {
title: 'Error',
message: 'Failed to get data from table.',
detail: result.errorMessage
for (var i = 0; i < result.data.length; i++) {
var roomId = result.data[i].room_id;
var projectName=result.data[i].project_Name;
var startDate = result.data[i].start_date;
var startHours = result.data[i].startime;
var endHours = result.data[i].endtime;
Module.download.send(csvData.join('\n'), 'MeetingRoomBookingExport.xls', 'text/xls');
function escapeRow(data) {
var rowData = [];
for (var i in data) {
return rowData.join('\t');
function escapeColumn(value) {
return '"' + value.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/\r/g, '\n').replace(/\"/g, '\"\"') + '"';
I want to show the data from sql with following format in excel.
Please reply if u have a time.