> Still getting the first one. It happens only when I have your line , DayPilot.Angular.Scheduler, in the declarations section of the app.module.ts
Strange thing, it seems to work fine for me. I thought it might be a missing import in app.module.ts:
import { DayPilot } from "daypilot-pro-angular";
But if I comment it out it gives me a different error during build: "Cannot find name 'DayPilot'."
> One other point you should probably put in the directions, but correct me if I am wrong...
I tried to build the project using
ng build --prod
and it packs daypilot-angular.min.js from "daypilot-pro-angular" module into dist/main.xxxx.bundle.js. It can be found in the sources and the dist project also seems to work.
Do you get these errors when you run the downloaded project from the CLI tutorial?