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Reorder resources?

Asked by AIMS
6 years ago.

Is it possible to reorder resources at the scheduler in javascript ? or move multiple resources at once like drag n drop for one?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

The drag and drop row moving ( allows moving one row at a time. It will move the selected row, including all children.

You can also change the resources tree using the API - just modify the hierarchy using "resources" property and call update().

If you have a flat list of resources you can easily use Array.prototoype.splice() to remove the row from the old location:

var row = dp.rows.find("A");
var index = dp.resources.indexOf(;
dp.resources.splice(index, 1);

And insert it at the new location:

var insertBeforeRow = dp.rows.find("C");
var index = dp.resources.indexOf(;
dp.resources.splice(index, 0,;

For complex tree structures, it might be easier to make the change on the server side and reload all the resource data.

See also:

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