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Silverlight Day

Asked by Anonymous
15 years ago.

As sliverlight 3 has been released is makes sense to build the project with this version even if it adds a delay to its release date, will this be the case?

What is the expected release date as the 15 Jul seams a but optimistic based on the provided screenshot and all the other things you have scheduled over the next few days?

Will you be able to use the sliverlight version from within another Sliverlight application and from a ASP.Net web page?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

Yes, it seems that the plans were too optimistic, indeed. The work on the Silverlight version will continue as soon as DayPilot 5.7is released (along with the Java and JavaScript editions). I will consider Silverlight 3 as well.

Sorry, I can't give any dates at this moment, only priorities.

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