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Hide unused resource headers

Asked by Bas Brekelmans
12 years ago.

When I set a filter on the scheduler, some of the resources become unused, but are still rendered in the scheduler. How can I hide unused resources in the scheduler?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

There is no way to do this at this moment. I will check if it will be possible to include it in one of the future releases. It seems that it could be relatively easy to implement.

Comment posted by Bas Brekelmans
12 years ago.

Thank you for the reply, is there a known work around at the moment? Can I clear all resources before loading new data?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

There is no problem to change the Resources collection during any CallBack.

You only need to call Update(CallBackUpdateType.Full); to redraw the resources on the client side.

Comment posted by Bas Brekelmans
12 years ago.

Got it ! thanks alot.

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