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Questions Tagged mvc

Uncaught DayPilot.Duration(): Invalid start argument, DayPilot.Date expected

Answered: Yes, this is where the exception comes from, but the stack trace points to the code that uses it. That would help identify the problem. According to your log, both objects are DayPilot.Date but they ...

Adding Holidays on for ASP.NET tutorial

Answered: In ASP.NET WebForms, you can indeed use the BeforeCellRender event. You just need to check whether the current cell falls on one of the defined holidays. Example: // Define an array of holidays priv...

Searching for DayPilot Pro ASP.NET Developers

DayPilot Pro ASP.NET Developer Wanted We are a Transportation and Warehouse Logistics company, located in the USA. We use a MS Windows Transportation Management System (TMS) to manage customer orders...

Calendar control; showing only busniess hours

Answered: The MVC Lite (open-source) version is no longer under active development. I recommend switching to the JavaScript Lite version. The JavaScript version lets you set the Calendar height to show only bu...

Save selected dropdown item to the database

Answered: After the modal dialog is closed, you need to call an API endpoint that will save the changes. You can access the updated data object as "modal.result". The selected value is accessible as "modal.res...

Dropdown field in modal form

Answered: You can load the data using fetch() or a similar function before opening the modal dialog. async function showModal(url) { const options = await fetch("/api/getOptions").then(response => respons...

Erro no carregamento Atividade filho

Answered: A imagem está correta, a atividade que está no Píer 1 lado Mar está com início no dia 03/08/2021 as 00:00 hora, isso só está acontecendo quando ela vai para o evento filho, se essa mesma atividade fo...

Scheduler integration with excisting system

Answered: Could you please contact to discuss the details?

Business hours begins and End where can I set them

Answered: What version of DayPilot Pro do you use? If it doesn't work with the latest version (2021.2.6054), could you please post your config? The following OnInit() seems to work fine with the latest version...

Load event not loading child only

Answered: You need to use a different resource ID for the parent rows. An event will be displayed in all rows where the id matches the event resource id (resources[].id === events.list[].resource).
mvc MVC scheduler not showing AM/PM format

Answered: You can try this: TimeHeaders = new TimeHeaderCollection() { new TimeHeader(GroupBy.Month), new TimeHeader(GroupBy.Day), new TimeHeader(GroupBy.Cell, "tt"), },

visitor management system

I need the source code for a visitor management system (C#,ASP.NET,

Programmatically Change DayPilotNavigator

Answered: I'm not sure if that's what you are looking for but you can set the initially-selected date using DayPilotNavigatorConfig.SelectionStart property.

Are there any plans to support accessibility WCAG 2.0/2.1 in the future?

Answered: Yes, it's in a long-term plan but it's not trivial to meet some of the requirements. The features are being added gradually. The Scheduler, for example, now includes keyboard support and the elements...

Disable range selection Calendar

Answered: In DayPilot Pro for JavaScript, you can do this using onTimeRangeSelecting event handler: Unfortunately, it's not available in the Lit...

Wrong Product Purchased

Answered: Your email might not have arrived, sorry for the troubles. Can you please contact and include a reference to this forum question?


Answered: The tutorial is available under a trial license which is limited to testing and evaluation. If you want to use it in your project you'll need to buy a license:

Trial MVC pro will not run at all

Answered: The demo project in the download packages uses MVC4 which needs to be installed globally using this link: See also: https://mvc.daypilot...

Disable Link Creation per event

Is there a way to disable link creation per event? I would like something like the way move, resize, etc... can be disabled now on js side. ie: = true. The best would be if ev...

Send the list of all the created events to the controller.

Answered: Submitting changes using a form is not a supported scenario. However, you can use the built-in queue to submit all changes at once using a CallBack. When creating, updating or deleting the event usin...

How to create a context menu submenu in MVC

Answered: The submenus are now supported in the MVC version as well in the latest sandbox build (2019.4.6005): You can specify the submenu items using Items property of MenuIt...

How to implement a "Previous" and "Next" buttons

Answered: You can take a look at the main MVC Scheduler demo: It includes Next/Previous buttons which use commandCallBack() method to invoke Command event on the server...

How can I add full calendar to Spring Boot MVC (Gradle) and Hibernate

Answered: You can take a look at this example that uses DayPilot Pro: The Maven config used in this project is very bas...

How to access BeforeEventRenderArgs in MVC

I do not see BeforeEventRenderArgs in the object browser, so can not use sample code in I have the following using statement "using DayPilot.Web...

Blazor Version?

Answered: We're playing with the technology to see how it could be used to improve DayPilot. At this moment, I recommend using the JavaScript version for ASP.NET Core: There ar...

Is it possible to make paging in DayPilot scheduler

Answered: There are two options: 1. You can limit the current view using StartDate and Days properties and switch to the next/previous "page" using custom buttons:

How can I update the view after changing the BackendURL property?

Answered: 1. There is a clientState property that lets you define custom state on the client side. That usually includes filtering criteria, such as user, event type, etc. You only need to set it on change on ...

How to filter characteristics of an event?

Answered: Please take a look at the clientState/ClientState properties that I have suggested here: See also...

How can I remove the scroll?

Answered: Please see the height configuration options here: The "BusinessHoursNoScroll" and "Full" values of HeightSpec will display the Calendar component without the...

How can I remove the demo tag?

Answered: You need to replace DayPilot.Web.Mvc.dll and daypilot-all.min.js files in your project with the ones from the full version zip file.
Questions 1-30 of 400 Next