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Javascript alert "Undefined" when clicking on the Time Range Header in DayPilot Calendar

Asked by Paul
11 years ago.

We are using DayPilotPro-7.1.2730 and whenever we click on the Time Range Header (on the left hand side), we receive a javascript alert "Undefined". This also happens on the demo pages (both current and sandbox).
Is there an easy and quick way that this can be fixed?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

It's caused by an extra line of code that was added for debugging purposes.

You can comment out line 3917 in Calendar.js and recompile. A service pack with a fix will be released soon.

Comment posted by Paul
11 years ago.

Thanks for this. I can see Calendar.js within the resources directory, but it's minified. Was that the file you were referring to, or is there another version within the solution?

Answer posted by Paul
11 years ago.

I ended up fixing it by searching the minified calendar.js for alert(this.areas) and then deleting the onclick handler. I recompiled the project, updated my project with the new dll and then all good.

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