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Questions Tagged bug

weekStarts property non-functional in DayPilotCalendar

Answered: At this moment, the weekStarts property is not available in the Lite version. However, you can set a custom week start using the locale property. If there is no built-in locale that meets your needs,...

Resources Calendar does not schedule events at all

Answered: Hi Samir, With the following setup, the resource calendar will display one day on the vertical axis. As the startDate is not specified, it will use the current day for all columns/resources. <DayPilo...

Drag Shadow disappears after dragging over updating rows

Dear Daypilot Developer While working on a project at my company which uses Daypilot Scheduler I came across this weird behaviour. For context the daypilot scheduler would dynamically load the events...

Inconsistent type definition of events in CalendarConfig and MonthConfig (Daily/Weekly Calendar view vs Monthly Calendar view)

Answered: > in MonthConfig it is defined as “events?: EventData;” This was incorrect, and it has been fixed now in the latest release. > CalendarConfig contains a definition for the function overload “remove(i...

cellmarginbottom seems not to work in DayPilot Lite Monthly Control

Answered: This property was not supported in the Lite version, but it is now available in the latest release: DayPilot Lite for JavaScript 2024.3.536

DayPilot.Gantt: JS errors when moving collapsed children with paths into collapsed parents

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.3.5966). The Scheduler incorrectly tried to render links to events in hidden row. If there is any problem, just let me know.

PHP Shift planning

Answered: This error has been fixed recently. Please make sure that you have the latest version (from May 21, 2024): PHP Shift Planning System (JavaScript/HTML5 Frontend, MySQL Database) If the problem persist...

DayPilot.Gantt.onTaskMoving and DayPilot.Gantt.onTaskMoved broken in 2024.2.5936

Answered: Sorry for the troubles! These issues (onTaskMoved and onTaskMoving) should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.2.5939). These fixes will be included in the next release, which will be avai...

Event drag not working in corner cases in JavaScript Lite version

Answered: There was a bug in the calculation of the grid boundaries. It’s fixed now in the latest sanbox build (2024.2.525): Test:

Keep drag and drop preview through rerenders

Answered: Sorry for the delay! I assume that you are using dynamic event loading to load additional data during scrolling (onScroll event). In the event handler, you should only update the Scheduler by calling...

Resize Event daypilot-scheduler doesn't work. App crash

Answered: Unfortunately, I’m not able to reproduce the issue. Would you be able to post your config and a sample event?

Time is getting lost ...

Answered: If you don’t specify the field type explicitly, the modal dialog form will use a date field when dateFormat is specified. If you want to use the full date/time value I recommend using the date/time f...

DayPilot Scheduler - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'lines') when deleting milestone

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.1.5891):

Setting the 'links' via the Direct API does not work

Answered: Hi, Nothing related to that. [webpack-dev-server] Server started: Hot Module Replacement disabled, Live Reloading enabled, Progress disabled, Overlay enabled. core.mjs:26656 Angular is running in de...

The EventData does not allow reference to parent object (fails with 'Converting circular structure to JSON')

Answered: The JSON serialization is necessary for Angular change detection. Circular references would also prevent any other change detection mechanism based on event comparison from working. To avoid this iss...

newResourceId is undefined on event resize

Answered: There is no args.newResource available in onEventResize as the resource doesn’t change during resizing. You can access the event resource ID using args.e.resource().

Backend events are not loaded in the resource calender

Answered: Thanks for the update! The problem is the type of events.resource_id database field. It is incorrectly set to varchar instead of integer. Older versions of PHP/PDO converted integer values to string ...

Scheduler: Mac users can't scroll when hovering resources

Answered: Thanks for the update. All browser on a Mac use the same rendering/JS engine (from Safari). The problem with old MacOS versions is that Safari stops getting updates at some point - that means on an o...

scrollToResource is buggy.

Answered: The scrollToResource() method is quite simple (it sets the scrollTop style to the appropriate value) but it is executed asynchronously, after a delay of 100ms. It’s good to take this into account. I ...

Cannot install DayPilot in my current Angular application

Answered: It looks like Chrome has started to report certain code as an error, even though it was acceptable before. It will be fixed shortly.

Calendar time range selection broken on 2024.1.5854

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.1.5872). Please let me know if the problem persists. Thanks for reporting the issue!

Cannot set property document of #<Window> which has only a getter in Nuxt

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest release (version 2024.1.519/3.20.1): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Keyboard navigation error (reading 'lines')

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5851). Please let me know if there is any problem.

Custom css not working after upgrading to dayilot-pro-angular from daypilot-angular-lite.

Answered: The Pro version of the Calendar component may use a slightly different DOM structure, as required by the advanced features. You may need to adjust your CSS customizations a bit. As a general guidelin...

Scheduler - build 5777 broke event rendering

Answered: This happens if you specify both text and html properties for events. This regression incorrectly applies text if both values are specified - the html property should have higher priority. It should ...

Strange behavior of keyboard navigation

Answered: This bug should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5802): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Critical Issue with Drag and Drop.

Answered: Most likely, this is caused by the fractional value used for the cellHeight property: const config: any = { cellHeight: 42.75, // ... } I recommend using an integer value. Fractional values ma...

Keyboard navigation doesn't skip invisible rows

Answered: This bug should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5797): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Error on keyboard navigation on long event

Answered: This bug should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5786): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Shift + select when multirange is active doesn't clear

Dear Daypilot-Support, I work as a developer for RTM Systems. When performing shift + select when multirange is active, the previous selection doesn’t clear properly. Please review the attached GIF. ...
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