Questions Tagged bug
when custom theme link is not proper
When custom theme gantt chart, link between task is not displayed properly arrow is replayed like a semicircle
ExcelJS is not an optional property in the scheduler config
Answered: Thanks for reporting the problem. This issue has been fixed in a special release (2025.1.6429), which is now available.
Facing issue while exporting data in RTL
Answered: Unfortunately, the image export is not supported in the RTL mode at the moment. It’s in the plan, but we can’t promise any delivery date.
overriding event start/end in moving to snap to a certain time isn't being reflected in the event overlap handling
Answered: It looks like you are using an older version - could you please give it a try with the latest release?
Error constructing DayPilot.Date()
Answered: Have you modified the source code? Or maybe you have overwritten the DayPilot.Date object? Because all this should work fine - you can also test it in the JavaScript console in the online demo.
BusinessHoursNoScroll not rendering args.start correctly
Answered: I confirm the bug. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build. The fix will be included in the next release.
Facing issue in calendar vertically scrolling with page scrolling
Answered: It is necessary to set a fixed position of the calendar in the page. You can do that by fixing the parent element and setting the height of the calendar to 100%. This way, you will be able to avoid t...
onShow weird behavior
Answered: 1. The update() method incorrectly cleared the source value, indeed. This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6384). 2. It’s not clear what exactly is going on in your onS...
Facing Issue While Exporting Data in Resource View
Answered: You will see this error if the Calendar component isn’t visible when calling exportAs(). That can happen if the placeholder <div> is placed inside a hidden element, for example.
Yearly Scheduler, timeRangeDoubleClick only fires in January
Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6374). Please let me know if the problem persists.
Facing Issue To Export Data
Answered: During export, the Calendar sometimes isn’t able to read custom CSS. That’s why you see white text on white background. The formatting issues can be handled using the export customization event handl...
Facing Issue To Set Time Range in Resource View
Answered: The properties you are using are not correct. There are two options: You can change the business hours (business hours affect the viewport height in the default config - see also Height) using busine...
Concurrent Event Group Missing Events
Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6343).
Issue With Horizontal Scrolling Reset in RTL Resource View in Latest Released Version
Answered: I assume that you are referring to this issue. It has been fixed in the latest sandbox build (i.e. 2025.1.6339+). You can download the latest build in the sandbox. The next official release that will...
Issue With Horizontal Scrolling Reset in RTL Resource View
Answered: This was caused by a bug in the AutoScroll feature. The problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6339).
Yearly Scheduler and Multirange
Answered: This bug should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6338). For now, a range that spans multiple rows will be limited to the first row when added using multirange.add().
Time Range Click with multi range not working
Answered: These events are fired for the current selection (the one you click), but you can always get all selected time ranges using the multiselect.get() method. Please let me know if this is not what you ar...
Delete (x) button is not shown, when there are overlapping dates
Answered: There are multiple modes available for arranging overlapping events. If you use eventArrangement: "SideBySide", the events will be displayed with their full width always visible.
I don't see the event on the calendar but it is present on DB
Answered: This tutorial was created for an older version of PHP. PHP 8.3 produces warnings about using dynamic properties: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ... is deprecated in ... on line ... That dis...
Uncaught DayPilot.Duration(): Invalid start argument, DayPilot.Date expected
Answered: Yes, this is where the exception comes from, but the stack trace points to the code that uses it. That would help identify the problem. According to your log, both objects are DayPilot.Date but they ...
Custom timeline not cut off correctly
Answered: In the manual timeline mode, the Scheduler always uses the default cell width unless you specify it explicitly. The start and end of the last shift are correct (2 hours), but it is displayed at full ...
Property 'level' does not exist on type 'Row'.ts(2339)
Answered: All missing properties should now be included in the TypeScript definitions in the latest sandbox build (2024.3.6165). All documented properties and methods of DayPilot.Row are now available. You may...
Angular component inside event disappears when scrolling right
Answered: This is caused by floating events, a feature that displays the event text floating at the viewport edge when scrolling to the right. Angular components can’t be displayed in the floating part but you...
Year View (version 2024.3.6130)
Answered: Hi Kym, Sorry for the delay! This issue is now fixed in the latest sandbox build (2024.3.6136). With this build, you can specify the end for each row/month, and it will disable the subsequent cells: ...
keyboard.clearFocus() not found
Answered: It was missing from the TypeScript definitions. It si now available in the latest release (2024.3.6130).
Error when using .Scheduler.rows.find with split resources
Answered: This error is fixed now a special relase (2024.3.6130). If there is any problem, please let me know.
Scheduler partial updates sometimes are not rendered
Answered: It looks like you invoke the add/remove/update operations during drag and drop moving - but that’s not a supported scenario. It wasn’t designed to support them - it may work or not. The problem is th...
Bug on Row Filtering Demo (JavaScript Scheduler)
Answered: This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.3.6102). Please let me know if the problem persists.
When dragging events, sometimes the event incorrectly moves to the wrong time
Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.3.5995). Please let me know if the problem persists.
Wrong className for DayPilotMonth component
Answered: You may be overlooking something. The DayPilotMonth React component indeed uses the ”month_default” CSS theme. You can check it by inspecting the DOM elements in the JavaScript demo, You can apply a ...
Questions 1-30 of 1038