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Create an event with double-click

Asked by Anonymous
16 years ago.

How can I create an event by double-clicking in the calendar ?

Thanks !
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Double click isn't supported yet (neither for the events nor the time cells). It needs a special treatment because it collides with a single click handling.

It's been in the plans for a while (double-click event for the events) and I would like to add it. However, it's not likely to come before 4.5 release (1 Feb 2008).
Comment posted by Anonymous
16 years ago.
I did a 'hack' in my Callback but I will use your feature when it will be implemented.

Thanks !
Comment posted by Sandeep
16 years ago.

I have seen in the latest version of the calendar that there is now a double click event. Is this also going to be implemented for the month view?

Thanks for your time
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
Yes, but I'm not able to tell a date at this moment.
Comment posted by Rhonald
15 years ago.


I downloaded the demo of DayPilot yesterday and working on a new (framework 2.0) application. I want to do some work on server side double click event of calendar control, my page is ajax enabled. But when I do the double click (or single click), the server side event if not getting fired. Can you please let me know what's wrong in the code?

<DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar ID="DayPilotCalendar1" ClientObjectName="dpc" runat="server" BusinessBeginsHour="8"
BusinessEndsHour="18" ContextMenuID="DayPilotMenu1" Days="7" EventDoubleClickHandling="PostBack"
HeightSpec="BusinessHours" OnEventDoubleClick="DayPilotCalendar1_EventDoubleClick"
OnTimeRangeSelected="DayPilotCalendar1_TimeRangeSelected" TimeRangeSelectedHandling="Hold"
Width="831px" OnEventMenuClick="DayPilotCalendar1_EventMenuClick">

Server side (code behind) code.

protected void DayPilotCalendar1_EventDoubleClick(object sender, EventClickEventArgs e)

Thanks in advance.

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