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How to not allow schedule on weekends

Asked by Naveen
6 years ago.

Is there any facility for not allow schedule on weekends Saturday and Sunday?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

It's possible to the non-business hours in the Schedule using ShowNonBusiness property (it hides hours outside of BusinessBeginsHour and BusinessEndsHour and weekends):

It's also possible to hide custom time columns from the automatically generate timeline:

You can also generate your own timeline:

It's also possible to display the weekends and block drag and drop operations (time range selecting, event moving, event resizing) that don't meet custom rules implemented using TimeRangeSelectingJavaScript, EventMovingJavaScript, EventResizingJavaScript client-side event handlers. They get translated to the following client-side event handlers:

An example that blocks every target when moving an event:

  // ...
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