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How to use the horizontal scroll bar on the DayPilotCalendar?

Asked by Anonymous
14 years ago.
Hi, I am trying to add a horizontal scroll bars on the calendar is it possible and if so, could you let me know how I could achieve this?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to show a horizontal scrollbar in the Calendar yet. The column width is dynamic and they always fit the total width of the control.

Comment posted by Random Dude with a Big Red Nose and a Tophat. (now with rubber gloves)
14 years ago.
Put it in a panel with horizontal scrollbar. I think it could fix the problem.

Random Dude with a Big Red Nose and a Tophat and Rubber Gloves.
Comment posted by Kailash
13 years ago.

This post is 1 year old now. Is this feature available in new version?

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