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To Copy Event Data from the RightClick on the event

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.
To copy the data of the event from the click of a button (This button is appeared on the right click on the event
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Do you mean accessing the event object from within the event box ?

The structure of the event div is as follows:

<div> <-- this is the main event div

If you render your code in BeforeEventRender event you can reach the event object using the following code:

e.InnerHTML += "<input type='button'" + 
"onclick='dp.eventMenuClickCallBack(parentNode.parentNode.event, 'Delete');' +
"value='Delete' />";

This code adds a button that calls a custom callback action (it executes EventMenuClick event on the server-side, passing "Delete" as e.Command value).
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