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How add images to eventboxes

Asked by harshad jadhav
12 years ago.

Hello All,

I want to all some images to event box. Just like we have delete image.
and i want specific functionality on them.

Thanks and Regars,
Harshad Jadhav

Answer posted by Allen
12 years ago.

Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but you can do something like this in _BeforeEventRender:

e.InnerHTML = "<img src='img.png' onclick='alert(this)' />" + e.Tag["evt_nm"];

Comment posted by harshad jadhav
12 years ago.

Thanks Allen,

Now, I can put the images on event, but those are comming left align. i want it to be right align next to delete image. how to do that.

Thanks in Advance,
Harshad Jadhav

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