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Click hilite or mouseover event

Asked by Anonymous
16 years ago.

I have a schedule wtih events that extend across days ie: Start time 7pm Aug 1, end time 7am Aug2

I would like to click or mouseover the event to show the event connection

any suggestions would be appreciated

thank you


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Event selection feature (works in DayPilotCalendar) could be helpful. You can activate it by setting EventClickHandling property to Select.

By default, the selected event is emphasized using enhanced top and bottom borders. If you use EventSelectHandling="CallBack" and handle EventSelect event on the server-side you will be able to use a special background color for all parts of the event (upon clicking).

For the mouseover functionality, it would be a bit trickier (and might require some changes in the code of the control) but it would be possible as well. Let me know if you are interested in that option.
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