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How to add custom data to event?

Asked by Labsy
13 years ago.

I found this Calendar extremely handy for my scheduler, but I need to add some additional data for each event, except just NAME.
Is it possible (in Lite version) the events to have additional data fields, for example, EMAIL and PHONE? This would be shown in pop-up when you create new event.

Thanx and congrats on great work!

Comment posted by Labsy
13 years ago.

with all respect, but how do you expect to buy your product, if I do not get answer in 2 days?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Event customization was not supported in the Lite version until 3.1 release.

In 3.1 and later versions you can use BeforeEventRender event to set custom event HTML using e.InnerHTML. You can access the original data source object using e.DataItem property.

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