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IE does not show correct BackgroundColor from BeforeEventRender

Asked by Roffsan
12 years ago.

I'm using a pretty basic installation of the latest DayPilot and I'm not getting BackgroundColor to work in Internet Explorer 9.0.

It works fine in Chrome but not IE.

protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
if (e.ResourceId == "0")
e.BackgroundImage = "";
e.BackgroundRepeat = "";
e.BackgroundColor = "ff0000"; //red

The CSS (green - standard) is shown instead.

Comment posted by Roffsan
12 years ago.

Badly copied source-code deleted the hash - this is how it looks like;

if (e.ResourceId == "0")
e.BackgroundImage = "";
e.BackgroundRepeat = "";
e.BackgroundColor = "#ff0000"; //red

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

If you are using CssOnly="true" mode you should check the following question:

You may need to modify the CSS theme so the inline "background-color" style overrides the CSS style (defined using "background" in most themes).

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