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NavigateURL not opening in a new window

Asked by Gretchen Bren
11 years ago.

I am trying to get the NavigateURL command in the DayPilotMenu to open in a new window. My code is:

<DayPilot:DayPilotMenu ID="DayPilotMenu1" runat="server" CssClassPrefix="menu_">
<DayPilot:MenuItem Action="NavigateUrl" NavigateUrl="../Body/Calendar/events_edit.aspx?id={0}"
Text="More Information" NavigateUrlTarget="_blank" />

The navigateURL opens, but in the same window as the page: I'd like it to open in a new tab/window.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

There was a bug - it's now fixed in build 7.1.2716. You can download it in the sandbox:

See also:

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