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Bug with getScrollableHeight into the scheduler.js

Asked by Anonymous
11 years ago.


With Internet Explorer less than 9.0, we can have a bug with this method.
In the case where the method return 0, will the following sentence:

$ = (this.getScrollableHeight() - 1) + "px";

IE will crash.

I suggest to change the method like that:

this.getScrollableHeight = function () {
var $V;
if (this.heightSpec === 'Fixed' || this.heightSpec === "Parent100Pct") {
$V = this.height ? this.height : 0;
} else {
if (this.innerHeightTree) {
var $2c =$f.nav.scroll);
if ($2c === 0) {
$V = this.innerHeightTree;
} else {
$V = this.innerHeightTree + $2c;
} else {
$V = this.rows.length * this.eventHeight;
if (this.heightSpec === 'Max' && $V > this.height) {
$V = this.height;
return $V <= 0 ? 1 : $V;


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Thanks for reporting the bug.

It's already fixed in the latest codebase and the fix will be included in the next release:

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