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How to Change Language (English to German) of calendar.

Asked by Sujeet
16 years ago.


I am using daypilot calendar for our site with two language English & German, and I want to change the language of calendar dynamicly from one to another language.

Can it possible. I am using it with & C#.

Thanx in Advance


Answer posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Yes, it's possible. There are several areas that need attention when localizing DayPilotCalendar:
  • The start and end details in the event box are formatted using the current culture.
  • The header date format is formatted using the current culture.
  • The time format of the hours in the left column can be switched between 12/24 clock using TimeFormat property.
  • The "Loading...", "Scroll up", and "Scroll down" labels can be changed using LoadingLabelText, ScrollUpLabelText, and ScrollDownLabelText properties.
Comment posted by Anonymous
11 years ago.


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