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Show html bubble on event click in Scheduler

Asked by Hoang Phung
10 years ago.

Can you please show me how to display some html code upon user clicking on an event? This is all happening on client side without server participation. I have looked at this question: but it is a bit different from my use case. Thank you.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

Using DayPilot Pro 7.7.787 and later (see the sandbox at you can do this:

    dp.onEventClicked = function(args) {
        new DayPilot.Bubble().showHtml("Event details: " + args.e.text(), args.div);

Previous versions don't store the event div in args (args.div). This div is used to calculate the bubble location (it will be desplayed above the event).

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