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Time tooltip

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.

There is TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript to show time range for an event, but how can I show time under cursor when there is no event ?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
If you mean the new Bubbles feature (4.2 release notes): It's only supported for events at the moment. I plan to enable bubbles for the time cells and headers as well.
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.
(Yes the new Bubble feature)

Is there something to catch the event somewhere ? javascript or anything else, I need to do it now and I don't know how.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This is hard to do without direct support in DayPilot because there is nothing to be hooked. You could enable it for a click on time range selection yourself (switch to JavaScript handling and invoke the bubble using

Question: Do you want to activate it over any time cell or over a selection only?

Maybe I could add it to 4.3 if it's important for you.
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.
Over any time cell, I show calendar control with full size on a big wide screen and it is difficult to know current time (under mouse) quickly.

Thanks :)
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
OK. And do you use DayPilotCalendar or DayPilotScheduler?
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.
Both, but Calendar is my priority.
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