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offset end date

Asked by Michael
10 years ago.

I have one event:
START_DATE = 01.01.2014
END_DATE = 03.01.2014

duration = 3 days


Why do I see in Table 2 day (duration) ?
01.01.2014 - 02.01.2014

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

The dates are interpreted as exact time points, i.e. when the start date is set to 01.01.2014 it means 2014-01-01T00:00:00, the end date 03.01.2014 means 2014-01-03T00:00:00. The difference between these two dates is 48 hours.

If the end date of 03.01.2014 should mean "the end of 03.01.2014" you need to add 1 day to this date when displaying it in DayPilot.

Comment posted by Pro User
10 years ago.

We know we have to add a date, that's obvious, but can you post an answer on how to do this? This is a common issue with your interpretation of date ranges. When you schedule someone by days, not hours, from Dec 1 to Dec 3 they are schedules for 3 days. This should be the default behavior and should allow overrides, not your 2 day interpretation by hours.

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