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Styling the rows....??

Asked by Daniel
9 years ago.

im working with the scheduler:

want to have the row and its children in the same color.

And the parent-rows should alternately have the background-color white and gray.

Please Help! :)


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

To set the color of the cells use onBeforeCellRender:

and to set the color of the row headers use onBeforeResHeaderRender:

Answer posted by Daniel
9 years ago.

Thanks,... i know about the onBeforeCellRender.

But: how to put same background for parent AND child- rows ??

This workaround is not working correctly ("vorplanung_" are my childs...):

if(args.cell.resource.substring(0, 11)!='vorplanung_')
if(tmpLastColor == "#EFEEEC")
tmpLastColor = "#ffffff";
tmpLastColor = "#EFEEEC";

args.cell.backColor = tmpLastColor;

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