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Current time in Scheduler

Asked by Fabien
10 years ago.


Is it possible to have a vertical line to display the actual time on the scheduler control?

Answer posted by MaZZly
10 years ago.

I solved this with Seperators (

dp.separators = [{color: "Green", width: 2, location: new DayPilot.Date()}];
setInterval(function () {
dp.separators = [
{color: "Green", layer: 'above', width: 2, location: new DayPilot.Date()}
}, 60*1000) // Update every minute

Comment posted by Anonymous
10 years ago.

Is there a more efficient way to do this? I use a scheduler in with angular and update this every scound.
scope.dp.separators[0].location=new DayPilot.Date();
Then you see a Loading text every second and after a few minutes it breaks and the page do not react any more.
Is it possible to increase the performance?
Most of all I would like to have an out of the box implementation (Something like a currentTimeSeperator proptery :) ).

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