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Javascript handler with callback.

Asked by Scott Lee
17 years ago.

I am attempting to do an Event move where the handler is in JavaScript that calls _ctl0_MainPageContent_schedule.eventMoveCallBack(eventArgs, newStart, newEnd, oldColumn, newColumn);

I set up the control with:


EventMoveJavaScript="Schedule_onMoveAppointment(e, newStart, newEnd, oldColumn, newColumn)"

Here is it's ASPX tag:

<DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar ID="schedule" runat="server" HeightSpec="Full" CellsPerHour="4" ShowHeader="true" ViewType="Resources" DataStartField="start" DataEndField="end" DataTextField="description" DataValueField="service_id" DataColumnField="column" HeaderHeight="40" Width="100%" EventMoveHandling="JavaScript" EventMoveJavaScript="Schedule_onMoveAppointment(e, newStart, newEnd, oldColumn, newColumn)">

The Javascript gets called, it hits my page but never hit the function

protected void schedule_EventMove(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventMoveEventArgs e)

What might I be doing wrong?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
It seems that you are missing this attribute:

Comment posted by Scott Lee
16 years ago.
Thank you, must have missed that.
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