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Hiding non-bussines days.

Asked by David
16 years ago.
Hello Dan,

Could you tell me how i can hide the non-bussiness days from the scheduler/calendar in the latest version?
I havent found any documentation regarding this, it would help me alot.

Thanks in advance, David.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Hiding non-business hours is specific for each control:

Set HeightSpec="NonBusinessNoScroll" to turn off the scrollbar. Only the business hours (specified by BusinessBeginsHour and BusinessEndsHour) will be visible.

It's not possible to hide the the non-business hours.

Set ShowNonBusiness="false" to hide the non-business time ranges. That will hide
  • a range specified by BusinessBeginsHour and BusinessEndsHour
  • Saturdays and Sundays
Hiding Saturdays and Sundays is hardcoded in this release. If you need to hide just Sunday you will need to modify the includeCell function in SchedulerDynamic.js (starting on line 67). I plan to include an API to modify these rules in a standard way in one of the future releases.
Comment posted by David
16 years ago.
Hi Dan,

Thanks for the response. I have tryed to apply the setting to the Calendar control, but with no success.
The compiler informs me that the property is invalid?

Thanks for your response, David.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Sorry, I made a mistake - it should be:

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