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Modal Box on Event Resize

Asked by Anonymous
9 years ago.

How to display Modal box after resizing the event?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

You can do it like this:

  EventResizeJavaScript="new DayPilot.Modal({onClosed:function(args){ if (args.result) { dp.eventResizeCallBack(e, newStart, newEnd); }  }}).showUrl('Page.aspx');"

This code will open "Page.aspx" and wait until it's closed.
1. If it's canceled (DayPilot.Modal.close(); call without arguments inside Page.aspx) the resizing is canceled.
2. If it's confirmed (e.g. DayPilot.Modal.close({"action": "OK"}); call inside Page.aspx) the server-side EventResize event is called.

See also:

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