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Issue with loading events data from array.

Asked by Sudheer
7 years ago.


I'm using version 8.2 for understanding scheduler hour view. I'm facing issue loading events from array. Below is the code.
dp.startDate = new DayPilot.Date("2013-03-24");
dp.resources = [
{ name: "Room A", id: "A"},
{ name: "Room B", id: "B" },
{ name: "Room C", id: "C" }];

var e = new DayPilot.Event({
start: new DayPilot.Date("2013-03-24T03:00:00"),
end: new DayPilot.Date("2013-03-24T05:00:00"),
id: DayPilot.guid(),
resource: "B",
text: "Busy"
});; //events are showing when using new daypilot object

but below code not displaying the events = [{text: "Busy", start: "2013-03-24T03:00:00", end: "2013-03-24T05:00:00", id: 10, resource: "B"}];

Could you please let me know what causing the issue ?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

You need to change "" to "": = [{text: "Busy", start: "2013-03-24T03:00:00", end: "2013-03-24T05:00:00", id: 10, resource: "B"}];

See also:

Comment posted by Sudheer
7 years ago.

Thanks Dan.

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