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changing the culture & UICulture of the scheduler control?

Asked by alramaby
17 years ago.


Is there a way to change the culture and UICulture of the sechedular? I need to use my culture's Calendar "Hijri Calendar"?


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
The calendar follows the culture of the page (or the current thread, respectively).

The question is whether this be enough to switch to Hijri calendar. I see that the month duration in Hijri calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar. I would suggest that you try switching the page Culture and see what happens. If there are problems, let me know and I will see how difficult it would be to fix it.
Comment posted by alramaby
17 years ago.

thanks Dan for replying.

regrading switching the culture & UICulture of the page, I already tested that (I used this culture: "ar-SA"), and it
didn't work quite right (yes, I got the names of the months right, but the number of month's days is incorrect).

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
OK, I'll take a look at it but I can't promise any specific date for the solution.
Comment posted by alramaby
17 years ago.
Thanks Dan...

To give you a clear picture why this point is so important to us, is because we are now in process of evaluating many products (daypilot pro is one of them) that will give us the scheduling capabilities with support for globalization. If daypilot pro has support for RTL (which I think is delayed to v 4.6) & globalization (i.e., support for Arabic culture specifically), we will be confident that daypilot pro is the right product for us which satisfy our requirement needs.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I understand, thanks for the clarification.

The problem is that part of the date-related calculations moved from .NET server-side code to the client side (JavaScript). While the .NET ar-SA support seems to be solid I need to check the support in JavaScript.
Comment posted by alramaby
16 years ago.

Hi Dan,

do you have any update?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
It seems that although the client-side calculations are not impossible it's quite difficult. The browsers don't have native Hijri calendar support as far as I know.

I would like to get back to Hijri support in the future but at this moment I'm not able to give any reasonable date. My estimation is 6 months. Sorry about that.
Comment posted by Anonymous
15 years ago.

Any updates regrding the hijri support?

Comment posted by alramaby
15 years ago.


I am back again :). any update on this?

Comment posted by alramaby
15 years ago.

helloooooo... anybody here?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

Sorry, it's not coming in the near future.

All the calculations are now moved to the client side (JavaScript code). That would mean testing it with browser that supports Hijri and I haven't found the time to do it yet. In addition, it would also require RTL. This combination makes it really difficult.

However, if you have a list of things that go wrong with Hijri I might be able to give a better answer.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

The Scheduler now supports all calendars supported by .NET framework (System.Globalization.Calendar). This includes support for Hijri calendar. See also:

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