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No weekends on Schedular, Month view

Asked by Lauwens
17 years ago.
Would it be possible to not display weekends in the schedular and if possible the Month view? The weekendss could be a smaller empty colomn to visualize the new week but that isn't necessary Or make it easy to Never be able to drag something in them or make an event in a weekend. Thanks
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
I plan to allow hiding the weekends in DayPilotMonth but I don't have any specific date yet.

If you want to forbid moving events to weekends you should check it in the server-side event handler (see also - that's an example for creating a new event but the mechanism is the same).
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
13 years ago.

In the Scheduler control, it's possible to hide weekends using ShowNonBusiness="false":

In the Month control, it's possible to use ShowWeekend="false":

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