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Default start time

Asked by Svend Grønlund
8 years ago.

Scheduler: A customer uses all hours of the day, but would like the default calender view to focus on the normal working hour. Eg.: .BusinessBeginsHour = 0; .BusinessEndsHour = 23; Wanted something like: .DefaultBeginHour = 9; Can that be achieved?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

In the Calendar control, you can use ScrollPositionHour property to set the initial scrollbar position.

Comment posted by Svend Grønlund
8 years ago.

Thank you for your answer, although ScrollPositionHour does not seem to exist, but it guided me on the right direction, so I found .SetScrollX :-)

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

Thanks for the update - somehow I assumed you were talking about the Calendar control. In the Scheduler, SetScrollX() is the way to go. ;-)

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