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Drag and Drop Between Windows

Asked by Agustin
16 years ago.


I would like to know if daypilot controls support the drag and drop between webpages and how can I do it?

Thanks in advanced,


Comment posted by Anonymous
16 years ago.

The answer is yes but in next version :

(F54) Extended drag&drop support

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Correct. I'm not sure it will be supported for all controls (Calendar, Scheduler, Month, etc.) in 4.7. What controls are most important for you?
Comment posted by Agustin
16 years ago.

I'm focused on the Calendar and Scheduler control. Those are the most really important to me in order to implement the drag and drop functionality between windows.

4.7 version you said? mmm, when is it going to be released?


Comment posted by Agustin
16 years ago.

oh, by the way, a customer of mine is requesting to click over the daynumber in the header of the scheduler control(during the month view mode)in order to show information related with that day.

is it possible to do ?

Comment posted by Simon Edwards
16 years ago.

Will this effectively allow drag & drop of an event from one DayPilotMonth control to another on the same page?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Yes - it should enable drag&drop between two controls on the same page (preferably even between two different controls, e.g. DayPilotCalendar and DayPilotMonth).

At this moment, this feature is not scheduled for any specific date. However, I've added a short spec to
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
To make it clear - the original question was about drag&drop between two browser windows: That is, unfortunately, not possible to implement.
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