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Incompatible DayPilot client script version. Expected 2717 (you are using 1478)

Asked by Matt
8 years ago.


I am having an issue with the version compatibility, I am assuming between the project reference and the javascript?
I ensure both the dll and the js came from the same package (v8.3.5862.1).

Do I need to refresh something, maybe?

Please help.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

It looks like the old version of the client-side script is still cached somewhere. You can try forcing a reload by adding a random query string to the js file url (e.g. a version number):

<script src="daypilot-all.min.js?v=5862"></script>
Comment posted by Matt
8 years ago.

Hello Dan,
You were correct. I removed the reference and script from the project, then re-added them and it compiled fine.
Thank you for your time and suggestion.

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