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Vertical Scroll in IE7 Daypilot calendar

Asked by Sheraz
16 years ago.
Hi Dan,
vertical scroll bar in daypilot calendar moves a bit towards left side(inwards) and distorts the UI.

Is there any quick fix available for it.
Answer posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Hi Sheraz,

I've explained this in an e-mail as well:

The scrollbar width is different in IE and FF (there is 1px difference). That's why DayPilot sets the default width to 16 and then it calls a special JavaScript function that checks the real scrollbar width and sets the last header column width accordingly.

This solution is sensitive to scrollbar tweaking (I saw you are using CSS styles to change the scrollbar).

You can try to remove the automatic width adjusting by skipping the fixScrollHeader() function call in Init() method (it's line 2321 in the uncompressed Calendar.src.js in the sources).
Comment posted by Ayaz Ahmad
14 years ago.

Hi Dan,

I am playing with your DayPilot scheduler and i am getting an issue with vertical scroll. I have tried different compbinations to hide the vertical scroll but it is always there in case there is 1 resource with plenty of white space.

I want to fix the height and get rid of this vertical scroll. Please assist!

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