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Disable TimeRangeSelectedHandling when clicking on contextmenu

Asked by Tom
16 years ago.
Hi Dan,

Is it possible that once we have clicked on a contextmenu which has a javascript action to disable the TimeRangeSelectedHandling?

I know we can use "DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.TimeRangeSelectedHandling.Disabled;".

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
You can try calling this on the client side:

dpc1.timeRangeSelectedHandling = 'Disabled'

But remember that it will be reset after the first PostBack (either full or partial).

Another option is to put everything into UpdatePanel, handle the menu click using PostBack and change TimeRangeSelectedHandling on the server side.
Comment posted by Tom
16 years ago.
cheers dan,

dcp1.timeRangeSelectedHandling = 'disabled';

worked a treat.
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