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Schedular selected event backcolor

Asked by prabhat
7 years ago.


I am using daypilot schedular javascript.
I am giving colors to the events by resources.

Now i have to change the backcolor of the selected event.
Attached the screen shot.I am not using any theme.



Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

The Scheduler will apply "scheduler_default_selected" CSS class to the selected event (for the default theme). The default CSS looks like this:

.scheduler_default_selected .scheduler_default_event_inner { background: #ddd; }

You can override it by creating a more specific selector ("id" is the DayPilot scheduler placeholder div id):

#dp .scheduler_default_selected .scheduler_default_event_inner { background: #eee; }

You need to use "background" instead of "background-color" because "background" is used in the CSS to create the default event background (it uses a gradient).

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