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How can i extract data from application

Asked by Ryan
7 years ago.

Hi there just a quick question with regards the web application for tennis courts.

Where are the tables created and stored. I would like to extract the data i.e date, time, name and carry out some operations on this data.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

The Tennis court tutorial ( stores the data in a SQLite database that is created automatically when you start the application. The event data

At the bottom of the tutorial you can find "Database Schema (DDL)" section that shows the database schema. The events (reservations) are stored in "events" table.

SQLite is a file-based database - the database file is called daypilot.sqlite and you'll find it in the application root. You can use a manager application such as SQLiteStudio ( to view and edit the file.

The database-related PHP code can be found in _db.php. You can modify it as needed.

Comment posted by Ryan
7 years ago.

Thank you very much great help needed some visualisation on the data and have it now

Great software !!

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