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Month view for Daypilot calendar control in Angular4

Asked by Dhiraj
7 years ago.


I am using Daypilot calendar control in Angular4 project, For Day and Week view is working by setting viewType as Day/Week,
Is there any setting for Month View, I saw few example on forum but it is by using javascript there by raising events we can set it in JavaScript, Is there any setting for MonthView?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

There is a special component available for the monthly calendar. See the docs:

A quick start Angular 4 monthly calendar project:

Comment posted by Dhiraj
7 years ago.

Thanks Dan,

for the daypilot-month control is there any setting for making first day of week as Monday instead of sunday,
For weekly view of daypilot-calendar control when we set locale en-au then it shows first day as monday but same is not working for daypilot-month control

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