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How to switch between the Day,Week and Month view in Angular4

Related article: Angular 5 Weekly Calendar Quick Start Project
Asked by Anonymous
6 years ago.


I have added in 3 buttons named Day,Week and Month, On click of the Day and week view i am showing the 'daypilot-calendar' component and on click of Month i am using the 'daypilot-month' component, It works fine if i show and hide it based on the selected button,

But if in week view i open the popup to create new event and then create it event get created successfully but after that when i switched to month view its not working and it give following error

Subscriber.js:247 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
at eval (daypilot-angular.min.js:15)
at DayPilot.Calendar.jb (daypilot-angular.min.js:15)
at (daypilot-angular.min.js:17)
at DayPilot.Calendar.update (daypilot-angular.min.js:17)
at t.ngDoCheck (daypilot-angular.min.js:32)

I searched some forum, Found that there is control like DayPilot.Switcher in javascript (As mentioned in ), But seems like it not available in the Angular4, Is there are other alternative to achieve it in angular4

Thanks in advance..

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

Please see the following sample project that shows how to implement a calendar with day/week/month views:

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