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Crosshair doesn't work anymore when using a Theme in DayPilotCalendar 2018.2.3657

Asked by jmp65
5 years ago.

MyDayPilotCalendar.Crosshair = CrosshairType.Full

Crosshair works fine.

but with
MyDayPilotCalendar.Crosshair = CrosshairType.Full
MyDayPilotCalendar.Theme = "MyTheme"

It doesn't work anymore.

Thanks in advance to take a look.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

You may need to get an updated version of the theme. There are two options:

1. Create a new theme from scratch:
2. If you have created the theme using the Theme Designer just open the theme URL in the CSS header and generate an up-to-date CSS for your configuration (click "Edit Theme", then "Download").

Let me know if the problem persists.

Comment posted by jmp65
5 years ago.

Just created a new theme from scratch and now, everything's working fine.
Thanks you.

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