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What is DayPilot:DayPilotBubble control for?

Asked by Anonymous
16 years ago.

i have gone through the documentation's. i am not able to understand what a bubble is ?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
You can take a look here (scroll down a little bit to (F15) Bubbles):

DayPilotBubble is an extended ToolTip - a box that appears if you hold your mouse over an object for a while.

The main differences from the standard ToolTip (which is achieved using title attribute):
  • The content is loaded dynamically from the server
  • It can show multiple lines
  • It can show custom HTML
  • You can define the ShowAfter and HideAfter times
The supported objects are as follows:

  • event box
  • time cell
  • column header
  • event box
  • time cell
  • resource header
  • event box
  • event box
Comment posted by Hisham
16 years ago.

so the text for the bubble will be obtained after a postback only rite. can it be done in the javascript . otherwise i believe it will get slower

Comment posted by Chandra Lekha
16 years ago.

In my project, we want show customised tooltips.

Eventhough I follwed all the steps to create the extended tooltip(BubbleID) I was not able to get it.

This is my daypilotscheduler:

<DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler ID="DayPilotScheduler2" Height="700px" runat="server"
Days="7" Width="800px" StartDate="2007-01-01" DataStartField="start" DataEndField="end"
DataTextField="name" DataValueField="id" HeaderFontSize="8pt" HeaderHeight="17"
DataResourceField="column" EventHeight="40" CellDuration="60" CellWidth="20"
TimeRangeSelectedHandling="CallBack" EventMoveHandling="CallBack" EventResizeHandling="CallBack"
OnEventMove="DayPilotScheduler2_EventMove" OnEventResize="DayPilotScheduler2_EventResize"
OnTimeRangeSelected="DayPilotScheduler2_TimeRangeSelected" DataTagFields="start,id,name"
EventClickHandling="JavaScript" EventClickJavaScript="alert('Tag[&quot;name&quot;]: ' + e.tag(&quot;name&quot;) + '.')"
EventResizeJavaScript="alert(newStart.toGMTString() + '\n' + newEnd.toGMTString());"
ClientObjectName="dps1" OnRefresh="DayPilotScheduler2_Refresh" BubbleID="DayPilotBubble1" ShowToolTip="false">


This is my DaypilotBubble:

<DayPilot:DayPilotBubble ID="DayPilotBubble1" runat="server" OnRenderContent="DayPilotBubble1_RenderContent"
ClientObjectName="bubble" BorderColor="Black">


This is the method:

protected void DayPilotBubble1_RenderContent(object sender, RenderEventArgs e)
if (e is RenderEventBubbleEventArgs)
RenderEventBubbleEventArgs re = e as RenderEventBubbleEventArgs;
re.InnerHTML = "<b>Event details</b><br />Here is the right place to show details about the event with ID: " + re.Value + ". This text is loaded dynamically from the server.";
else if (e is RenderResourceBubbleEventArgs)
RenderResourceBubbleEventArgs re = e as RenderResourceBubbleEventArgs;
e.InnerHTML = "<b>Resource header details</b><br />Value: " + re.ResourceId;
else if (e is RenderCellBubbleEventArgs)
RenderCellBubbleEventArgs re = e as RenderCellBubbleEventArgs;
e.InnerHTML = "<b>Cell details</b><br />Resource:" + re.ResourceId + "<br />From:" + re.Start + "<br />To: " + re.End;

Could you please suggest me where i might have gone wrong????

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

After a quick look, it seems to be correct. Are you able to check if the AJAX callback is initiated (for example using Firefox + Firebug)?

There might be a problem with the AJAX call or there might be a problem with showing the result (what's the doctype you are using, btw?).

Comment posted by Chandra Lekha
16 years ago.


Thanks for the reply.Its working well with the .NEt application. When it is hosted on to a sharepoint site, its not showing up the bubble.

Comment posted by Chandra Lekha
16 years ago.

How to check if AJAX callback is initiated or not?

Thanks for your support.

Comment posted by Chandra Lekha
16 years ago.

I am able to make it work. Thanks a lot.

Comment posted by Chandra Lekha
16 years ago.

This bubble id is working well in Firefox. But, its not woriking in IE. What could be wrong?

Is there any way to enable AJAX callback on browser?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

The problem with sharepoint is that it render pages in quirks mode (i.e. it doesn't specify the doctype). Bubles rely on window dimension functions that do not work properly in quirks mode in IE. See also

However, I was fixing this issue in DayPilot Pro 4.9 SP3 release. What version of DayPilot are you using?

Comment posted by Chandra Lekha
16 years ago.

Thank you Dan.

We are using 4.9.1456.0 version of DayPilot. If you fix this issue, please let us know. It is very urgent requirement for our project.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Sorry for the delay, I was out of office last week. As I mentioned, the problem was fixed in 4.9 SP3 (version 4.9.1490.0). You should upgrade to that (or later) version to get it fixed.

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