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creating a new event by clicking a freespace

Asked by Hisham
15 years ago.

rite now if an event is present we'll be able to edit the event subject by just clicking on it (ie by setting the eventClickHandling as edit ). I wanted to know whether the same is possible by clicking on a free time range and create an event , rather than open a new popup and create the event... Hoping to see a reply. I have posted a query with topic named month view. it wud be great if someone gives a reply to that too.

thanks in advance

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
Hi and sorry for the delay:

It's possible to create the event immediately after the time range is selected (or a time cell clicked) - that's possible if you set TimeRangeSelected="CallBack" or "PostBack". TimeRangeSelected event will be fired and in the event handler you can create the event easily (remember to call DayPilotCalendar1.DataBind() and Update() to refresh the events on the client side).
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