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toolTip not showing up

Asked by Doug D
6 years ago.

Why isn't the toolTip showing up for the event here?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

The toolTip is only displayed if a Bubble object ( is not specified. In the current DayPilot Pro version, the bubble is initialized using a new DayPilot.Bubble object by default.

See also:

There are two options:

1. Set dp.bubble to null to activate the tooltip:

var dp = new DayPilot.Scheduler("dp", {
  // ...
  bubble: null,

2. Use bubbleHtml instead of toolTip in the event data object. This will use the bubble to display the additional information on hover. This may be a better solution - the bubble supports HTML and its behavior can be customized (popup delay, appearance, animation...). = [
    // ...
    bubbleHtml:'Michael Meyers - SENG 6247 - 601 - SENG6247-Final Exam'
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