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additional parameters when using onLoadNode

Asked by Oliver
6 years ago.


I implemented a daypilot scheduler view for a project, showing all users and their projects.

I implemented some filters outside the DayPilot scheduler (but on same web page) that are applied on initial load.

Since the users got many more (800 instead of 150 / 180 days in grid) now I need to switch to dynamic load.

I figured out how to use OnLoadNode in MVC controller. But I dont know how to get those actual additional parameters from the webpage.

Can you please help me here?


PS: my OnLoadNode code:

protected override void OnLoadNode(LoadNodeArgs e)
if (unloadedResources.ContainsKey(e.Resource.Id))
foreach (Resource r in unloadedResources[e.Resource.Id])
e.Resource.Expanded = true;



Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

If you need to get client-side state on the server side you can use clientState property to store it (typically it's used for storing filter rules):

Whatever you store there will be available on the server side using ClientState. Just make sure the object is serializable using JSON.stringify().

Please let me know if it didn't help.

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