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No next cell found - error thrown

Asked by Tiha Juhasz
4 years ago.

Please advise on the following error:

I have two Daypilot timesheets based on with the following settings:

eventHeight: 60,
heightSpec : 'Max',
height: 350,
cellWidthSpec: 'Auto',
cellWidthMin: '25',
rowMinHeight: 70,
dragOutAllowed: true,
durationBarVisible: false,
allowEventOverlap: true,
floatingEvents: true,
autoScroll: 'Drag',
dynamicLoading: true,
theme: 'myTheme',
cssOnly: true,
eventResizeHandling: 'Disabled',
allowMultiResize: false,
bubble: new DayPilot.Bubble(
cssOnly: true,
animated: false,
theme: 'myTheme_bubble',
viewType: 'Days',
days: 5,
timeHeaders: [{ 'groupBy': 'Cell' }],
scale: 'Day',
useEventBoxes: 'Never',
eventStackingLineHeight: 100,

onBeforeCellRender : function(args) { = false;

onUpdateDateRange: function(config, dateRange: DateStartAndDays) {
config.startDate = new DayPilot.Date(dateRange.startDateString);
config.days = dateRange.dayRange;

onRenderHeaderColumn: function(args) {
const resDate: DayPilot.Date = args.resource.start;
args.resource.html = `
<div class="day">
<div class="dayInitials">
${resDate.toString('dddd').slice(0, 3)}
<div class="monthInitials">

onRenderTimeHeader: function(args, machineName) {
args.header.html = machineName;

the config.resource and config.resource are set in the program:
config.resources: [{"name":"M_HOLD","id":30}]
config.resource: {"name":"M_HOLD","id":30}

Drag and drop from outside the timesheets onto the timesheets works fine. Drag and drop within one timesheet works fine too. When dragging and dropping a tag from one timesheet to another, I get this error:
core.es5.js:1020 ERROR Error: No next cell found
at new DayPilot.Exception (daypilot-angular.min.js:10)
at DayPilot.Scheduler.Ni (daypilot-angular.min.js:25)
at DayPilot.Scheduler.Oi (daypilot-angular.min.js:25)
at [as __zone_symbol__ON_PROPERTYmousemove] (daypilot-angular.min.js:29)
at HTMLDivElement.wrapFn (zone.js:1188)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:421)
at Object.onInvokeTask (core.es5.js:3881)
at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:420)
at Zone.runTask (zone.js:188)
at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (zone.js:496)

I am using Daypilot Pro Angular v. 6.5.0

When dragging out of the timesheet, I cought the onEventMoving event in the source timesheet and listed the argument to a depth of 8 levels. See in the attached file.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

Please let me check that.

Comment posted by Tiha Juhasz
4 years ago.

Any luck reproducing this bug?

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